Looking for eBooks, audiobooks? Your Bensenville Community Public Library card has you covered. (It’s free!)
Need a library card? You can now register for an online-only library card that will grant you access to eBooks, eAudiobooks, and more.
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone, tablet, or Kindle directly in your web browser or on your device.
Titles are also integrated into our online catalog — easy to find!
It’s free and easy to get started for new users and a streamlined experience for current OverDrive app users. Learn more at meet.libbyapp.com.
Get the app for your phone or tablet:
Browse, check out, and read ebooks or listen to audiobooks straight to your tablet, computer, or other device.
Titles are also integrated into our online catalog- easy to find!
- A selection of titles are available for children and teens.
- Key Features:
- eBooks & audio access
- Spanish eBooks and eAudios
- Hit your personal reading goals and earn badges!
- View specially curated carousels and digital content based on your reading activity and interests!
Get the app for your phone or tablet: