Prawdziwe historie

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Franciszek : papież, który się uśmiecha

“Już od pierwszej chwili gdy pojawił się na najważniejszym balkonie na placu Świętego Piotra – Jego proste i szczere pozdrowienie „dobry wieczór” trafiło do serc milionów wiernych. Choć od tamtego czasu minęło wiele miesięcy – entuzjazm wobec Jego osoby nie słabnie – a wręcz umacnia się, docierając również do niewierzących. To opowieść o Papieżu, który odrzuca wszelki zbytek i blichtr, decydując się na skromne mieszkanie, by nie stracić bezpośredniego kontaktu z wiernymi i który swoim przykładem dał początek reformie Kościoła. To wielki Papież – wysłaniec Ewangelii, który wciąż jednak pozostaje skromnym proboszczem, przyjmując w darze stare renault 4 od pewnego księdza z prowincjonalnej parafii. To w końcu Papież, który się uśmiecha.”–

Droga do wolnosci: rdzen nauk buddyzmu tybetanskiego

“Droga do wolnosci” Dalajlamy, otwierająca jego autorską serię \”Ścieżka ku oswieceniu\”, to subtelny i nacechowany wymowną głębią wykład nauk i pouczeń Buddy. Przebywający na uchodźstwie duchowy i polityczny przywódca Tybetu z niezrównaną prostotą i wdziękiem odkrywa istotę buddyzmu tybetańskiego zarówno przed nowicjuszami, jak i oddanymi wyznawcami.Dzieli się spokojnymi, prostymi refleksjami na temat smierci, reinkarnacji, karmy, Czterech Szlachetnych Prawd oraz kultywowania ideału bodhisattwy i dobrych uczynków: szczeroci, cierpliwosci, wysiłku, koncentracji i mądrosci. —

Becoming : moja historia

Michelle Obama opisuje doświadczenia, które ją ukształtowały– od dzieciństwa w południowym Chicago, przez lata pracy na kierowniczym stanowisku, kiedy godziła macierzyństwo z karierą, aż do czasu spędzonego w najsłynniejszym domu świata. Pisząc z niebywałą szczerością, odwagą i humorem, odkrywa kulisy swojego życia rodzinnego. Opisuje, jak Obamowie znaleźli się w centrum zainteresowania światowych mediów i jak wyglądało ich życie w Białym Domu przez osiem kluczowych lat, kiedy poznawała Amerykę, zaś Ameryka poznawała ją. To zaskakująco intymny rozrachunek życia kobiety wrażliwej i stanowczej, która konsekwentnie odmawiała spełniania oczekiwań innych i której historia zachęca, by pójść w jej ślady.

W szoku : moja droga od lekarki do pacjentki - cała prawda o służbie zdrowia

Wstrząsająca historia lekarki, która została pacjentką i odkryła skalę lekarskiej znieczulicy. Czego lekarze nam nie mówią? Czy zawsze podają nam właściwe leki? Czy przejmują się naszym stanem? Co tak naprawdę myślą o nas – pacjentach?

Lion : droga do domu

Piecioletni Saroo zostaje sam na dworcu kolejowym Szukajac starszego brata wsiada do przypadkowego pociagu i zmeczonyS zasypia Budzi sie poltora tysiaca kilometrow od domu w pieciomilionowej Kalkucie Nie pamieta skad pochodzi nie wie jak wrocic Walczy o przetrwanie w jednym z najbardziej przerazajacych miast swiata Spi na brudnych ulicach ucieka przed gangami zebrakow Adoptowany trafia do dalekiej Australii Mija dwadziescia piec lat Mysl o odnalezieniu prawdziwej rodziny nie daje Saroo spokoju Ma jednak tylko okruchy wspomnien I technologie XXI wieku ktora przyjdzie mu z pomoca


“Kiedy Sophie Hayes spotkał tajemniczego nieznajomego bledi i uroczy, wiedziała chciał zmienić jej life– ale nie miała pojęcia, jak dużo. Na początku to było typowe wicher romans. Ale pewnego dnia bledi powiedziała Sophie, że miłość zawsze przychodzi na cena. bledi oszukane Sophie do podróży do Włoch, gdzie przymusowe ją sprzedaje swoje ciało na ulicach, aby pomóc mu spłacić duże zadłużenie. Kiedy odmówiła, bił ją, ukradł jej paszport i zamknął drzwi. Przerażona i zawstydzony Zofia pracowała niebezpieczne włoskie ulice bez reszty, skoro aż 30 klientów w nocy. była całkowicie na łasce bledi za żywności, odzieży i schronienia. bez pieniędzy, bez przyjaciół i bez rodziny, była w pułapce. Ale Sophie znaleźć siłę, by iść naprzód, przywiązanie do życia przez pojedynczą nić nadziei. że w jakiś sposób że ona znaleźć sposób na ucieczkę “

Małżeństwa królewskie. Jagiellonowie

Barwnie napisane dzieje miłości małżeństw dynastii Jagiellonów, wywodzącej się od Władysława II Jagiełły, wielkiego księcia litewskiego i króla Polski. W szczytowym okresie Jagiellonowie byli jedną z najpotężniejszych dynastii w Europie i w państwach, których sprawowali władzę, nastąpił też rozkwit kulturalny i gospodarczy. : opowieści o polakach w USA

Każdy z nich miał własny American dream. Każdy musiał wziąć los w swoje ręce i ruszyć na podbój Dzikiego Zachodu naszych czasów. Uciekinierzy, wariaci, niespokojne dusze– Polacy, którzy w pogoni za marzeniami lub uciekając przed dotychczasowym życiem, wyjechali do Stanów. By spotkać bohaterów tej książki, autorka pokonała tysiące kilometrów amerykańskich dróg. Poznała Sebka, od dziesięciu lat szukającego żony w kastowym środowisku Chicago, gdzie obywatelstwo jest ważniejsze od miłości. Spotkała Marka, niegdyś króla disco polo, obecnie bezdomnego przesiadującego w nowojorskim Starbucksie. Rozmawiała z genialną prawniczką Olą, tropiącą największe błędy amerykańskiego sądownictwa. Odwiedziła właściciela najmodniejszej nowojorskiej restauracji, który w latach 80. przybył tu z Lublina z jednym plecakiem– a dziś, jak głoszą plotki, zdarza mu się odmówić stolika Seanowi Pennowi.

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You can check out all of our online booklists (for kids and for adults), or reach out to us! Our staff is ready and willing to make reading, listening, or viewing recommendations to you! Email us at or contact us via our online form!

Juneteenth: Reads for Everyone

On Thursday, June 17, 2021, the “Juneteenth National Independence Day Act” was signed into law, designating Juneteenth National Independence Day (June 19) as a federal public holiday.

Juneteenth (a combination of “June” and “nineteenth”) commemorates the day in 1865 when slaves in Galveston, Texas finally learned that the Emancipation Proclamation had declared them free more than two years earlier. Annual celebrations of the occasion—parades, fireworks, cookouts, community gatherings, dances—spread beyond Texas as African Americans migrated across the country and traditions were passed on from family to family and community to community.

The books below, both fiction and nonfiction and for a a variety of ages, explore the Juneteenth holiday directly or take place during the joyous, yet tumultuous time period as slavery officially ended and freed Black people faced new forms of economic, legal, and societal barriers rooted in racism.

  • To see if an item is available to check out or place on hold, click the cover image or button to the right of the description


Juneteenth for Mazie

by Floyd Cooper

Little Mazie wants the freedom to stay up late, but her father explains what freedom really means in the story of Juneteenth, and how her ancestors celebrated their true freedom.


Juneteenth: Traditions and Celebrations

by Lisa A. Crayton

Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. Across the country, people observe the day with speeches, poetry readings, festivals, picnics, street fairs, and family reunions. It is a day for people to come together and continue working toward equality. Readers will discover how a shared holiday can have multiple traditions and be celebrated in all sorts of ways.


by Drew Nelson

June 19th, 1865, began as another hot day in Texas. Enslaved African Americans worked in fields, in barns, and in the homes of the white people who owned them. Then a message arrived. Freedom! Slavery had ended! The Civil War had actually ended in April. It took two months for word to reach Texas. Still the joy of that amazing day has never been forgotten. Every year, people all over the United States come together on June 19th to celebrate the end of slavery. Join in the celebration of Juneteenth, a day to remember and honor freedom for all people.

The Story of Juneteenth: An Interactive History Adventure

by Steven Otfinoski

The Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil War have brought an official end to slavery, yet some Southern slave owners are refusing to comply. The road to freedom is still long and hard for many African Americans, but you’re not giving up. Will you: Overcome obstacles as you make your way north from Texas, looking to begin a new life of freedom? Seek out your family, from whom you were separated as a child, after emancipation? Fight back when you take work as an apprentice but find that you’re still treated as a slave? YOU CHOOSE offers multiple perspectives on history, supporting Common Core reading standards and providing readers a front-row seat to the past.


Come Juneteenth

by Ann Rinaldi

Although born a slave to Luli’s family, Goose feels loved and respected by the family to which she is attached, but when Union soldiers arrive and tell her that slavery ended more than two years prior, Goose feels betrayed like never before and runs away to experience real freedom for the first time in her life.

A Sitting in St. James

by Rita Williams-Garcia

1860, Louisiana. After serving as mistress of Le Petit Cottage for more than six decades, Madame Sylvie Guilbert has decided, in spite of her family’s objections, to sit for a portrait.

While Madame plots her last hurrah, stories that span generations—from the big house to out in the fields—of routine horrors, secrets buried as deep as the family fortune, and the tangled bonds of descendants and enslaved, come to light to reveal a true portrait of the Guilberts.

This astonishing novel from three-time National Book Award finalist Rita Williams-Garcia about the interwoven lives of those bound to a plantation in antebellum America is an epic masterwork—empathetic, brutal, and entirely human—and essential reading for both teens and adults grappling with the long history of American racism.

Daughters of Jubilation

by Kara Lee Corthron

In the Jim Crow South, white supremacy reigns and tensions are high. But Evalene Deschamps has other things to worry about. She has two little sisters to look after, an overworked single mother, and a longtime crush who is finally making a move.

On top of all that, Evvie’s magic abilities are growing stronger by the day. Her family calls it jubilation—a gift passed down from generations of black women since the time of slavery. And as Evvie’s talents waken, something dark comes loose and threatens to resurface…

And when the demons of Evvie’s past finally shake free, she must embrace her mighty lineage, and summon the power that lies within her.

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You

by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi

The construct of race has always been used to gain and keep power, to create dynamics that separate and silence. This remarkable reimagining of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s National Book Award-winning Stamped from the Beginning reveals the history of racist ideas in America, and inspires hope for an antiracist future. It takes you on a race journey from then to now, shows you why we feel how we feel, and why the poison of racism lingers. It also proves that while racist ideas have always been easy to fabricate and distribute, they can also be discredited.

Through a gripping, fast-paced, and energizing narrative written by beloved award-winner Jason Reynolds, this book shines a light on the many insidious forms of racist ideas–and on ways readers can identify and stamp out racist thoughts in their daily lives.


On Juneteenth

by Annette Gordon-Reed

Combining personal anecdotes with poignant facts gleaned from the annals of American history, Gordon-Reed shows how, from the earliest presence of Black people in Texas to the day in Galveston on June 19, 1865, when Major General Gordon Granger announced the end of legalized slavery in the state, African Americans played an integral role in the Texas story. Reworking the traditional “Alamo” framework, she powerfully demonstrates, among other things, that the slave- and race-based economy not only defined the fractious era of Texas independence but precipitated the Mexican-American War and, indeed, the Civil War itself.


by Ralph Ellison

From the author of bestselling Invisible Man—the classic novel of African-American experience—this long-awaited second novel tells an evocative tale of a prodigal of the twentieth century. Brilliantly crafted, moving, and wise, Juneteenth is the work of an American master.

“Tell me what happened while there’s still time,” demands the dying Senator Adam Sunraider to the itinerate preacher whom he calls Daddy Hickman. As a young man, Sunraider was Bliss, an orphan taken in by Hickman and raised to be a preacher like himself. Bliss’s history encompasses the joys of young southern boyhood; bucolic days as a filmmaker, lovemaking in a field in the Oklahoma sun. And behind it all lies a mystery: how did this chosen child become the man who would deny everything to achieve his goals?

The Underground Railroad

by Colson Whitehead

Cora is a slave on a cotton plantation in Georgia. An outcast even among her fellow Africans, she is on the cusp of womanhood—where greater pain awaits. And so when Caesar, a slave who has recently arrived from Virginia, urges her to join him on the Underground Railroad, she seizes the opportunity and escapes with him.

In Colson Whitehead’s ingenious conception, the Underground Railroad is no mere metaphor: engineers and conductors operate a secret network of actual tracks and tunnels beneath the Southern soil. Cora embarks on a harrowing flight from one state to the next, encountering, like Gulliver, strange yet familiar iterations of her own world at each stop.


by Toni Morrison

Sethe, its protagonist, was born a slave and escaped to Ohio, but eighteen years later she is still not free. She has too many memories of Sweet Home, the beautiful farm where so many hideous things happened. And Sethe’s new home is haunted by the ghost of her baby, who died nameless and whose tombstone is engraved with a single word: Beloved. Filled with bitter poetry and suspense as taut as a rope, Beloved is a towering achievement.

Want more recommendations?


You can check out all of our online booklists (for kids and for adults), or reach out to us! Our staff is ready and willing to make reading, listening, or viewing recommendations to you! Email us at or contact us via our online form!

June is Zoo & Aquarium Month!

Celebrate National Zoo and Aquarium Month with some great reads from our youth non-fiction collection. (And remember, you can check out a pass to the Brookfield Zoo through the library’s Museum Adventure Pass program!)

National Zoo and Aquarium Month is celebrated annually to honor the role of zoos and aquariums in conservation, education, recreation, and research. It is also intended to promote and encourage more individuals to visit zoos and aquariums.

  • All of the titles featured here we have in our collection. To see if an item is available to check out or place on hold, click the cover image or button to the right of the description.

My Visit to the Aquarium

by Aliki

Come along on a trip to a wonderful place where you can visit aquatic creatures from all over the world-all in one very special day!

My Visit to the Zoo

by Aliki

Meet your favorite animals as a boy and his cousin visit the zoo and see how animals really live in the wild —from the tropical rain forests to the African plains.

Baby Dolphin's First Swim

by American Museum of Natural History

Meet a baby dolphin and see how he spends his first day in the ocean! This picture book follows a dolphin from birth as he swims with his mom; learns to eat, jump, and play with his pod; and even escapes a shark.


by Katherine Applegate

The true story of Ivan, known as the Shopping Mall Gorilla, who lived alone in a small cage for almost 30 years before being relocated to the gorilla habitat at ZooAtlanta.

Tiger Time

by Kama Einhorn

Go inside Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado, where you will meet a tiger named Kamal, one of 500 animals who has been rescued and now lives in safety.

Jack Hanna's Wild But True

by Jack Hanna

Jack Hanna offers 200 really delightful facts and anecdotes about wild animals. Stories include animal friends, endangered animals, hilarious stories, surprising animal species, and crazy, unbelievable animal stories that will warm your heart.

First Big Book of the Ocean

by Catherine D. Hughes

National Geographic Kids First Big Book of the Ocean is an adorable animal reference that includes the sea’s high-interest animals, such as dolphins, sharks, sea otters, and penguins, and introduces kids to some of its lesser-known creatures.

I Wish I Was a Lion

by Sandra Markle

Dig into the lives of lions in this beginning reader with full-color photos of lions in the wild! What if you wished you were a lion? And then you became one? Could you eat like a lion? Sleep like a lion? Live in a lion family? And would you want to? Find out!


by Laura Marsh

Explore the African savanna with giraffes in this exciting National Geographic Kids reader. Packed with beautiful and engaging photos, kids will learn all about these amazing animals.

Pierre the Penguin

by Jean Marzollo

Rhyming text and colorful illustrations describe the efforts of aquatic biologist Pam to help Pierre, an African penguin living at the California Academy of Sciences, when he begins to go bald.

Finding Winnie

by Lindsay Mattick

A woman tells her young son the true story of how his great-great-grandfather, Captain Harry Colebourn, rescued and learned to love a bear cub that he named Winnie in 1914 as he was on his way to take care of soldiers’ horses during World War I. He finally brings her to the London Zoo, where Winnie made another new friend: a real boy named Christopher Robin.

A Trip to the Zoo

by Karen Wallace

Join Billy and Matt for a day at the zoo. It’s a chance to see and learn about all kinds of animals—from a hungry giraffe to performing sea lions!

Want more recommendations?


You can check out all of our online booklists (for kids and for adults), or reach out to us! Our staff is ready and willing to make reading, listening, or viewing recommendations to you! Email us at or contact us via our online form!

Reads for Fans of the PBS series “World on Fire”

Love World on Fire on PBS? World on Fire is an adrenalized, emotionally gripping and resonant World War II drama that follows the intertwining fates of ordinary people in five countries as they grapple with the effects of the war on their everyday lives. 


All of the titles featured here in this booklist we have in our collection or are available via SWAN! To see if an item is available to check out or to place a hold, click on the cover image or button to the right of the description.

The Only Woman in the Room

by Marie Benedict

Marie Benedict’s novel tells the incredible true story of actress and inventor Austrian born Hedy Lamarr. Leaving an abusive husband in 1937 she fled to Paris and then the United States where she became an acclaimed film actress and inventor of a revolutionary radio guidance system.

Resistance Women

by Jennifer Chiaverini

Resistance Women tells the true story of Mildred Fish-Harnack, who after marrying a German economist, moved to Germany in 1929.  Not willing to be bystanders to the actions of the Nazi party, Mildred and her husband create the Red Orchestra, a group determined to bring down Hitler’s regime from within.

Everyone Brave is Forgiven

by Chris Cleave

This war drama, loosely based on Cleave’s grandparents’ story of love and conflicting loyalties, tells the story of three friends Mary, Tom and Alistair living in London during the Blitz.

The Ragged Edge of Night

by Olivia Hawker

This powerful story of a Franciscan friar, turned husband, turned resistance leader is an emotionally gripping, beautifully written historical novel about hope, redemption, and one man’s search for light during the darkest times of World War II.

We Were the Lucky Ones

by Georgia Hunter

Based on an inspiring true story, this novel follows the saga of the Kurc family during World War II. Three generations are torn from their home in the wake of the Nazi invasion and they, despite overwhelming hardships, will stop at nothing to be reunited.

The Lost Girls of Paris

by Pam Jenoff

When Grace Healey finds an abandoned suitcase in Grand Central Station containing the photos of twelve female secret agents during the war, she becomes obsessed with learning their stories and fates.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz

by Heather Morris

Based on the true story of the Auschwitz-Birkenau survivor, Slovakian Jew Lale Sokolov.  Fluent in several languages, Lale is made the infamous camp’s tattooist, a position he uses to aid his fellow prisoners. He finds love and vows to survive the horrific conditions of the camp.

The Huntress

by Kate Quinn

In this exciting story, brave Russian bomber pilot Nina Markova and British journalist Ian Graham unite to track down The Huntress one of the most vicious murderers in the Nazi party.

Beneath a Scarlet Sky

by Mark Sullivan

Despite Italian teenager Pino Lella’s intention to never become involved in war, he is drawn in after the destruction of his home in Milan. Beginning by assisting Jewish refugees escape through the Alps, Pino is later forced to enlist in the German army and soon takes on the dangerous mission of smuggling information to the Allies.

Want more recommendations?


You can check out all of our online booklists (for kids and for adults), or reach out to us! Our staff is ready and willing to make reading, listening, or viewing recommendations to you! Email us at or contact us via our online form!